Silver Screen Seminars



One of the opportunities to share our mission and generate donations will come from the formation of a membership-driven cinema club, The Silver Screen Cinema Society.  This club will both exist as an online entity and at various locations around Orlando (locations to be determined soon) and its activities will consist of:

  • Online panels, demonstrations, and live streaming sessions will be offered connected to various films and television shows – classic or present. Some will be open to the public, others will be members-only events with specialty access and content.
  • In theater viewings with panel discussions or demonstrations connected to a specific topic related to the content screened. These meetings will be open to the public at a full admission price, but members will receive special discounts on admission and other exclusive offers. All proceeds beyond operating costs will go to benefit the museum.
  • Special members only content and seminar opportunities.

These screening, panels, and seminars will transition to have a permanent home in the MicroMuseum upon its opening.